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Is this you?

>> You feel ill-equipped to parent your Spicy One™ gently because most parenting tips don't apply to your high energy, independent child.

>> You are emotionally drained from walking on eggshells because of their extreme emotions and unpredictable outbursts.  

>> You are discouraged because your child’s explosiveness feels like it’s ruining the family peace, as well as their siblings’ childhood.

>> You feel stuck between worrying that you are dimming their light with harsh discipline, and yet not providing enough structure.

>> You worry about their future as an adult. Will they be able to keep friends, a job, or a relationship?

You are not the only one!

You can learn how to be a safe, loving space, no matter how your child behaves.

You know the kind of parent you want to be.

  • A mom who responds thoughtfully rather than reacts randomly.
  • A mom who is peaceful and able to stay present for the big emotions.
  • A mom who builds a lasting relationship based on respect and love.
  • A mom whose kids will choose to spend time with her as grown adults.
  • A mom whose child feels seen and loved for who they are, rather than for who you want them to be.

But how do you get there?

How would it feel to...

>> Set boundaries without crushing your child’s spirit?

>> Let go of the weight of your mom guilt?

>> Validate your child’s feelings instead of ignoring or mocking them?

>> Let your child know they are seen and heard?

>> Stay consistently composed and compassionate in the chaos?

>> Bring playfulness and laughter to the outbursts and fights?

“This has been the best source of parenting support I have found in my nearly 10 years as a parent. I felt like I wasn't alone, that I have tools to help myself and my whole family. Honestly lots of it felt like things I'd worked through in counseling, I enjoyed seeing how that ties into parenting.”

— Jermaine D., MOSO™ participant

Plus, you get lifetime access to the MOSO® curriculum!

What if it was possible… to feel proud of how you parent rather than constantly worried you are getting it wrong?

Moms of Spicy Ones® will begin in September...

Will you join us?

Alison B. says: “I'm so grateful to feel able to enjoy and celebrate my child, who is so different than I am, instead of merely surviving our differences.”